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Nguram-bang – Home or Country

Nguram-bang is a Wiradjuri word meaning “Home or Country”.

Sounds like Noo-ram-bung

By Stewart James – Wiradjuri Gibir, Narrangdhura Marrambidya Bila Mayiny.

(Wiradjuri Man, Narrandera Murrumbidgee River People)

The story of this artwork depicts a strong sense of connection to the place we call home. Through the centre of this artwork flows the Murrumbidgee River! The stories, the relationships and the connection with this river holds great significance in the journey of many people from this region.

From left to right you will see three significant symbols – these symbols represent important places for people to gather, also known as a meeting place. Surrounding these meeting places are ‘U’ shaped symbols – these shapes symbolise people who are connected to these places.

The Murrumbidgee flows into the first meeting place representing the beginning. A place where a journey has begun and a place where the people who helped share in this journey are acknowledged.

As the river continues to flow, so does the story and the journey. The larger meeting place at the centre of the artwork represents where the journey currently is now. More people are now part of this story. The relationships and connections are greater. The red ochre journey lines that swirl externally from the meeting place represent the branching out and the wider networks that stem back to centrepiece of this story.

And again, as the river continues to flow, so does the story and the journey! It will move toward the future of this journey, which is a story that will continue grow.

The yellow dots that move outwards represents the layers of our ancestors. People who came before us must be always acknowledged. The shaded green swirling lines that sit in adjacent in opposite corners represent the land that has been crossed throughout this process. The dot pattern that sits behind the green swirling lines represent the boundaries of other language groups that surround the regions where this story begins and where this story continues.

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